Sunday, October 15, 2006


If you look closely, in the hands of our beloved offspring you'll see a smallish, brownish, oval type object that appeared in our henhouse today!!

The fact that it's brown means that the prize for First Egg Laid goes to Marzipan, our Partridge Rock hen. Ironically, when we first got them, she seemed to be the slowest to develop, lagging behind the others in important milestones like tail feathers, and clucking... (as opposed to just peeping)

Anyway, yesterday when I was feeding them, I noticed that Marzipan had been up in the nesting area while Babs and Ginger were downstairs complaining about the lack of food, and the injustice of being locked up in their coop. Thought it was interesting, made a mental note to check there for eggs as well as the nesting boxes we thought they'd prefer. Good thing I did, because that's where I found the egg today!

After Kaylee carried it around for a while, I finally called for it to be put in the fridge... I mean, really.. I never thought I'd actually hear a real, live person say "I want the egg to watch the movie with us!" before... Wow.. She is definitely our animal lover!!

Watch this space to find out when Ginger and Babs quit slackin' around and finally make some eggs too! At this point, they're very efficient at turning Chicken Food into poop... and not much else!


  1. Way to go! I am so excited for you and the family!!!


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