Word of an injury sure spreads fast! Cindy's ankle/foot (and assorted accessory injuries) caused us to miss church yesterday, which meant lots of phone calls to make sure she was OK. Our bishop's wife brought us dinner tonight - pretty sweet, since I normally cook dinner during the week anyway - and Cindy had several other visits and/or offers of help throughout the day.
After dinner, we were chillin' (OK, I was playing on the Wii) when there was a knock at the door... which almost always means that our missionaries were dropping in - yep, it was them! They came by to see if Cindy needed any help... and to hang out. (I'm pretty sure we're THE place for fun hanging out in our ward!)
Anyway, I can't really even remember how it came around, but one of them (Elder Richins) asked if we'd ever played "Speed Scrabble". Nope, none of us had ever even heard of such a thing.
But now that we have, I don't think I'll ever go back to slow scrabble!! Heck, I won't even capitalize slow scrabble anymore - Speed Scrabble all the way!! And as an astute Keeper Up With The Brinkerhoffs, you can get in on the action too. (You + Today = Your Lucky Day!)
So you put all the tiles face down in the middle of the table, then everyone draws four tiles, keeping them face down. When everyone's ready, flip them over and make a word or two... The goal is to use all four tiles. Whoever reaches that goal first knocks on the table, and everyone takes four more tiles. The cycle repeats, with whoever is first to use all their letters knocking, until there aren't any more tiles left in the middle.
When the final round ends, everyone adds up the letters in their words, subracts points for any extra letters they still have, and the winner of that round (who knocked to end the game) gets a ten point bonus.
You can play to a certain point level, or a certain number of rounds. It's incredibly fun, and I managed to beat the master at his own game. Looking forward to playing again soon!!
That does sound fun! i think we are going to have to give it a try. Thanks for sharing!