You're looking at a box of TimTams, quite possibly the best cookies to come out of Australia! (Way better than Vegemite, or any of the Musk flavored candy...)
This box of "Sticky Vanilla Toffee" arrived last week, sent by my friend Glen in Melbourne. One or two times a year, we send boxes of our local delights to each other, and I was delighted when his box arrived with four varieties of TimTams! This flavor was good enough that he sent two of them, and I downed the first box Saturday night. (Andy and Tyler helped, but I definitely ate way too many)
To avoid a repeat of that, since I AM still working hard at my fitness goals, I decided the other box has to go! SO it's CONTEST TIME!! And this time, I'm guaranteeing that the prize will be sent out. (Michael, Andy still owes you a bag of candy corn...)
So since most of us have kids these days, and most of those kids watch plenty of Disney Channel, this seems like a topical contest. To make it even more relevant, it also requires a knowledge of the music I grew up on. I guess you could say it's the Best of Both Worlds. (oh yeah, I went there!)
It's simple - Watch the video below, follow the directions, and win the cookies! Contest will run for one week - next Monday I'll put up a clip with the answer. If more than one person get it right, the winner will be chosen at random and the TimTams will be sent out as soon as postally possible. Have fun!
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