Monday, February 26, 2007

Return of the Removed Adenoids

So it's been about 5 months since Tyler (not pictured at left) was in the hospital for a week with a swollen eye infection.
Periodically since then, he's complained that his eyes were still hurting. I tended to blow it off, thinking he was just paranoid after his ordeal, and associating any discomfort with that same problem. Well, he kept saying he was hurting, and finally he went in to see an ENT doctor, who took an MRI.
Four years ago, Tyler's tonsils and adenoids were removed, due to being oversized and prone to infection. Apparantly the adenoids didn't like being told to move out, and grew back.
I know, the whole notion of them growing back makes me wonder if Tyler's turning into a zombie or something, but I'm told that it happens in about 1% of the removal cases.
So, he's going in for surgery again, on March 13, and hopefully the little troublemakers will stay gone this time. We would certainly appreciate your thoughts and prayers for a quick recovery!

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