I wish I could take credit for this picture, but alas, I wasn't anywhere near the camera when Ellysa took it! Nothing like a happy surprise when going through the memory card at the end of the day!
Anyway, to make up for the complete lack of blog love this week, here's a "Baker's Dozen Plus" from our first day at the Brinkerhoff Lake House Too on beautiful Mason Lake, courtesy of Richard and Dorothy Brinkerhoff, two of our very favorite people in the universe!
The kids had a blast swimming...
That's Zoe jumping into the water. You may remember her from several Puddle Jumper posts... The day care was officially closed this week, but Zoe's such a great helper and all-around-awesome kid that she's really not impacted by such trivial things as daycare schedules... to the extent that she even came with us on our getaway!
Kaylee posing for her closeup...
Andy getting some serious air in his...
...chic pink tube...
Followed closely by Tyler...
Goofin' Off!
More Goofin'
Can't goof off too much when you're on vacation!
This is destined to be Andy's new Facebook pic...
The kids kept swimming well after our side of the lake had fallen into shadows. In fact, they kept swimming well after dark!
With a brief break for dinner...
Meanwhile, Danee got some quality snuggle time in with Grandma and Grandpa - Cindy's parents are up for a visit and couldn't refuse the offer to chill at the lake with us!
So there's your Baker's Dozen (assuming you started counting after the introduction) and here's the Plus!
Spin, Kaylee, Spin!!
Ohhhh I love lake vacations! We are headed to our anual cabin trip in just one week! Thanks for getting me excited...it looks like you all had a super time!
ReplyDeleteI think I'm going to be sick if I look at her spinning much longer. :)
I wish I was there with you! I hope I get to come up and visit soon. I might get to go and see the Muppet exhibit at the Science Center for my birfday. It would be really great if you could come too. I know you love the Muppets as much as I do. :)
ReplyDeleteLooks like fun!
ReplyDeleteOoooh. (Said in a whiney complainy sort of way)
ReplyDeleteWhy wasn't I invited????
It would have been safe cause I doubt I could have come anyway.
I do have one burning question though; How warm was it???
I'm sitting here, disgruntled at work, reading the KUWTB archives, and I have to say, this post makes me miss summer so so much! I loved hanging out at the lake with you guys this summer. But what'll be even better is hanging out at the lake with you guys NEXT summer!