Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Dear Blog, I Miss You

Wow, I have REALLY dropped the ball on writing here on our beloved blog. My last post of any kind was May 1, and my last post that consisted of actual writing was back on December 18 of last year.

It's not supposed to be like this!! I really love writing! Since starting this blog in September 2006, I've written about many things - our family, music, our various animal endeavors, geeky tech stuff, and even an entire post about robotic vacuum cleaners that had my cousin Amy exclaiming that she couldn't believe she'd just read a whole post about robotic vacuum cleaners... and thoroughly enjoyed it!

I really do enjoy the writing! As fun (and easy) as it is to put up a couple funny and/or cute pics, or a video, this blog brought to the surface a love of actual writing that I previously hadn't known existed!

Even in this barren blogging wasteland of 2010, there are always two or three things that happen each week that make me say, "I really want to write about that!"

But the time is so fleeting... I knew that starting my own business would take up a whole lot of my time, but I hadn't factored in things like having a toddler in the house, or four teenagers going in four (or more) different directions at any given moment. Many nights I'll get into bed and think, "Oh shoot! I was going to put something up on the blog tonight!" and then I'll follow that up with, "I should grab the laptop... many of my favorite posts were written after bedtime..."

Of course, then I realize that if I fall for that line of reasoning, I'll stay up later than I should, and will pay dearly when the (very unforgiving) alarm goes off in the morning.

And then morning comes and the whole cycle starts up again.

My nephew The Donald recently brought his blog back from a long hibernation, and it inspired me... I went through a phase where I cared deeply about how many people were reading the blog, where they were from, how many of them left comments, and so on. But tonight, Cindy was looking through the archives, and I realized that none of that matters nearly as much as the great record of our family's lives over the past four years.

That ALSO inspired me.

So I know better than to make any grand statements about firing the blog back up again - that's too similar to posting that I'm serious about losing weight and getting in shape again. (although I AM doing that too) But what I will say is that I really love doing this blogging thing, and I hope that the next time I have time to play a few rounds of Dr. Mario on the Wii, that I will instead, come over here to the computer and pound out whatever's rattling around in my head.

Or at the very least, post a funny and/or cute picture.

1 comment:

  1. If I am given the choice between Dr. Mario and blogging, I would say that Dr. M has a slight edge (still thanking you for introducing me to that it)

    Welcome back!!


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