So stunned in fact, that it took us over a week to publicly acknowledge it here!
Andy and Ellysa are now officially Seniors in high school, with a mere 180(ish) school days standing between them and graduation. Being big independent teenagers, they didn't have any big, "invite the parents and their camera" things, so you'll just have to take our word for it. It's true. And it's kinda freaky.
Kaylee was ALMOST as independent as her older siblings, but we did manage to get a couple pics at her year-end concert, celebrating the end of 7th grade, and a fond farewell to "Intermediate School", a crazy contraption in these parts that consists of grades 5, 6 and 7. Next year she's off to Junior High for grades 8 and 9, then up to High School for 10-12.
Meanwhile, Tyler said goodbye to Elementary school - a traditional K-6, and is heading to Middle School. He went to the same school since Kindergarten, so it was a pretty exciting goodbye ceremony...
Now they're all determined to make the best of a "Summer" that so far is "Summer" in name only. The last couple days have shown signs of hope that we may get some nice weather, but all in all, it's been a very dismal Spring. And Ellysa's already complaining that they have to go in August, even if it is the last day of August...
...cue the melodramatic orchestra...!
That is pretty crazy to think your kids are that old. Good luck to all of them, though I'm sure they just want summer to continue on... Good thing you have Danee to keep you feeling young :)