Friday, September 10, 2010

Vital Stats

For the first time since February, Danee has gone long enough without being hospitalized to justify a Well-Baby Check Up!

We were very anxious to hear how she's doing after five weeks of NOT visiting the Mary Bridge Suites.

Here's how she stacks up:

Height: 31 Inches - 10th Percentile!

Weight: 19 Pounds - ummm.. -3rd Percentile! (yes, that is a NEGATIVE Three...)

Head: I don't have the actual measurement, but it's in the 25th percentile. As in a positive 25. As in, why does she need all that headspace??

Oh, there are MANY reasons... For one thing, she's super smart! Also, as soon as music starts playing, she does this bobble-head dance that just wouldn't be nearly as cute if her head size matched the rest of her body.

But the number one justification for a head that's 15% larger than her next largest measurement?

This kid is a HOT HEAD!!!

Here's a sequence of pictures that represents any given day at the Brinkerhoff household.

Danee doesn't get her way, and launches into a full force category five deluxe tantrum.

But she's such a good natured baby that she has a hard time keeping it up, and before long, that award winning smile starts to crack through the outer anger.

AAAAHH!! Then she realizes that she's giving in too easily, and tries to force the tear production back into high gear.

Finally, she realizes that being happy is more fun than being mad. Plus there are more cookies in happyville.

1 comment:

  1. Ha ha--I love the progression of cute pictures. I can't believe she and Mason weigh the same (who knows, my little chunker could have even passed her up by now!). Glad she's been healthy finally!


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