Monday, February 09, 2009

Going Pharmaceutical Is The New Going Postal

Our sweet little Babykins is TOTALLY our baby...

Born with a full head of dark hair... (like Daddy)

Has a REALLY hard time waking up... (like Mommy)

Latest round of evidence? She has really bad acid reflux (like Daddy), which we're told is pretty common among preemies. Rather than simply feel heartburn, or waking up gagging on stomach acid, she does an awful lot of spitting up. Her doctor prescribed Baby Zantac to treat it.

Today I dropped the prescription off at Target's pharmacy during my lunch hour, so I could pick up the meds on my way home from work.

Lunchtime is a busy time at the pharmacy! While standing in line, I surveyed the staff behind the counter. Three people I recognize, two of whom I enjoy working with. Naturally, it's the third one who called me to her station. Things went surprisingly smooth with the dropoff, even though this was Danee's first 'script, so she was a new patient.

On my way home from work, I stop back in to pick it up. There was a much shorter line this time, but I still waited a couple minutes for someone to become available. The two people I enjoy were still there, along with the one who had helped me earlier today. That trio was joined by a couple others who look like they were brought in from ...well, maybe they came from the Pizza Hut Express or something. They weren't wearing the normal Red Shirt / Khaki Pants uniform, and looked more than a little confused.

The more-confused looking one was so eager to help me, that while I was still standing back from the counter waiting my turn, she yelled over to me, "Can I Help You?"

Now I know that my last name is long. Trust me, as a first grader, learning to write my name, I knew that Brinkerhoff has eleven long letters. But as time has gone by, I've come to also realize that all eleven of them serve a purpose. It's not like there's a silent Q in there or anything!

However, I also know that people on the back-end of a service counter nearly always have trouble with my name. So I said, very clearly, "Pickup for Brinkerhoff, please." (note how polite I was!)

Very Confused Girl smiles and says OK, then turns and heads right for the "R" section of the pickups. Having gone through this before, I offered up, "With a 'B'".

Same vacant smile, then an about face to the B section. She shuffled through all the waiting bags, talked to the pharmacist, went back and rifled through the Bs again, and then turned to me. "What's the first name on that?"

"Danielle," I answer. "I dropped it off at noon today for a 5:00 pickup."

Again with the rifling. And the consulting with the pharmacist... Then back to me.

"So the last name's 'Bickenhoss"?

(never mind that originally she was going to the R section... maybe she thought it was Rickenhausse?)

I know this may not seem so bad to someone who didn't live it. But by this point, I had about 23 evil plots brewing in my mind, each competing for the next round, American Idol style, until finally one of them emerged and was carried out upon the fool who was wasting my precious post-work evening, delaying me from getting home and getting comfortable with my family... So it was with great restraint that I said slowly and distinctly, and only a little bit through my teeth, "BRINK. ER. HOFF. B. R. I. N. K..."

Watch the news. Pharm-Rage is undoubtedly due to be the next big trend.

(yes, eventually I did get my baby's medicine)


  1. although frustrating,I am sure.
    It couldn't begin to compare to Andy and Ellysa's principal who after a two years of meeting with us on a weekly basis still addressed you as "MARK BRUNKINHOFFER"..... amazing.

    Good post Mr. Brinkerhoff

  2. Don't feel too bad....nobody can ever get Sorenson either. They always think I say Swanson...go figure.
    I like how you point out that each of the 11 letters is significant and importnant to the pronuciation of B-R-I-N-K-E-R-H-O-F-F. Lose just one of them and it would ruin the whole think. However, if Danee is anything like Elisabeth, she might hope that you lose the 'R'....because then her last name would be 'Bink'erhoff {Lizzy loves her binky!}

  3. Before I got married my name was easy. Emily, followed by Hall. Pretty much nothing you can do to misspell or mispronounce that (except when people thought we said Paul instead of Hall). Then all of a sudden my last name is Spurgeon. Nobody can get that right. We usually say "Surgeon with a P", but apparently most people can't spell or pronounce Surgeon either. I always have to spell my last name and pronounce it VERY clearly. They usually think we say "Burgeon." What really gets me is when Matt tells people his first name and they think he says Mack. You tell me which is a more commonly used name! Names are a funny thing. Glad you got your prescription.

  4. Ha! I am right there with you buddy. If it wasn't Swanson, it's DeLorsey. Or GeForcey. I don't know how you get a G from a D. Sometimes I think it would be easier to be a Jones. Boring, but easier.

  5. Funny, I've been dealing with the ramifications of being a Sorenson, "Thorenson, Forenthon, Sorenthon" you get it? For so long, that I had completely forgotten how hard of a time people had, had with Brinkenhoffer.

  6. That must have been very frustrating! I went through something like that last week at Walgreens. I drop off the same prescription every month, from the same Dr., for the same child. Except for this time they said the Dr. was not authorized to write prescriptions and it would take 2-3 days to sort out. Since I needed it that day I drove back and forth from the pediatrician and the pharmacy 4 times before they got it worked out

  7. See?? Even if they don't irritate you by screwing up your name (and subsequently not finding your medicine) they'll find some other way to push you to the limits!

    Glad to hear that your situation eventually worked out...

  8. Can you hear me now????

    I know that must be so frustrating. I can imagine the 23 plots waiting.

    Mike- you have got to get some cards made up with your name on it. Just hand them a card and say- if you mess up with this in front of you, it will get ugly in here. And I mean UGLY.

    Sorry this comment is so long Mr. Brinkofplots.


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