There are three days left in my Logo Design Contest, and so far two people have entered designs. This is the first one that arrived:

I really like it. The artist said that the Hexagon represents the many different angles of Tech Work that I do, and even though customers wouldn't guess that, I like having it mean something.
The problem is, I keep seeing the icon portion as T U, and I don't want it to cause confusion. So I asked him if he could switch it to be an open-topped number 4 that the T fits into, and he turned it into this very impressive design:

I really like this one too, and it certainly removes any possible confusion. But I'm just not as crazy about it as I was when I saw the first one!

I really like this one too, and it certainly removes any possible confusion. But I'm just not as crazy about it as I was when I saw the first one!
I don't HATE it... but I feel like it's just a "me too" design. Virtually the same font, and the T4 in the icon portion doesn't really say anything to me other than, "I saw a T4 in the other design, so I'll put it in here too."
That sounds like a harsh judgement, and I really WANT to like it, but it's hard to reward something that feels like it's ripping someone off who really was creative. I left him feedback suggesting that maybe the icon could include the full initials, TS4A - we'll see what comes next.
What do you guys think? I have so little ability in this area, and I want to pick a logo/icon that will represent my company for at least the first few years, so I want to pick the best option. Cindy didn't see the "U" in the first design until I pointed it out to her - am I over analyzing here?
Please help me out here!!
I didn't see the 'U' in the first one till you pointed it out. But it still looked good with the 4. I'd go with either of the first choices. I also like the meaning of the hexagon!
ReplyDeleteThey are both appealing, but I think I like the hexagon better. I didn't see the U either. I think I like the color better also. I say, go with the first design.
ReplyDeleteI like the red lug nut, but I think I like the 4 just a little bit more...all though, it makes me think of the fantastic 4. I don't know if that's a bad thing.
ReplyDeleteI feel the same you do about the last submission. Meh.
I think it could be good with the little emblems of the design you had, but in a circle and a 4 in the middle. Then techservices4ALL under it. I wish I knew how to animate that though.d
I was going to submit an entry, but my stick figure sledgehammering a dot matrix printer got me sidetracked into watching "office space" instead.
ReplyDeleteChris - bummer! That sounds like it would have been a winner! :)
ReplyDeleteI like the first one best, and even after you mentioned it I could barely see a U. Like Stacy and Clinton say, "It doesn't match but it goes."
ReplyDeleteI know that doesn't really relate, but I sure have been wanting to use it anyway.
So yeah, stick with the first one in red and black with a mostly non-existant U.