Friday, December 19, 2008

Surprise... Another Delay.

It's 8:52.  

In eight minutes, the procedure to grant us guardianship of Danee should begin.

It SHOULD begin, but it won't.

Remember that picture I posted last night that showed how much snow was on our front walkway?  Well, this morning there was about a 50% increase.

That's right, we went from 1/4" of snow, to 1/2" of snow.  Maybe.

As a result, all court proceedings have been cancelled.

To top things off, nobody called and told us, so Cindy braved the treacherous elements and made it to the courthouse.  Based on my drive in to work this morning, I'd venture a guess that she made it to the courthouse without any slipping, sliding or panic attacking.  Considering that the worst streets between our house and the courthouse are right in our neighborhood.. Once you cross from Fircrest into Tacoma, the de-icers have very clearly been busy.

We don't know what happens next.  One person says we'll have to wait until January 2.  Another says we'll try again Monday.

Keep in mind, this was SUPPOSED to be handled back on December 5th.

We're still 100% confident that we'll GET the guardianship and adoption granted.  It's just the matter of WHEN, and that matter is getting more and more urgent, as Danee continues to be the SuperStar of the Nursery, motoring her way toward being released.  Oh, and her grandma's leaving today for a week in the Caribbean.  And her biomom is going to California in a few days.  

Her soon-to-be-adoptive parents (ie: US) meanwhile, have been at the hospital every day since she was born, and will continue to.  We just don't have any actual claim to her, and at this point are praying that she's going to STAY in the hospital until either this court thing gets wrapped up, or Grandma gets back.

Frustrated?   You bet we are.


  1. Red tape SUCKS!!! It will work out. Five years from now, this will just be an interesting story you tell. She will be looking at presents under the tree, eating a sugar cookie, and waiting to see Rudolph on tv. While you and Cindy reminisce about the stuff you went through to get her.

  2. Oh, that stinks! Hang in there you guys. I know it will all work out and you'll have that sweet baby home before you know it! Our offer still stands to have you over. We can't wait.
    Love, Nicole and Jonathan

  3. OH man...Mike, Cindy I am so sorry! I will pray all that harder for your little Christmas bundle to end up where she belongs!

    I have a Baby Bjorn (the ultimate baby carrier that straps on your front), an exersaucer, bottles and lids and nipples, a nipple container that goes in the dishwashe so they don't go flying all over and get fried on the element and some other items that I am no longer using since Branson is getting bigger. Anyway, let me know if you are interested in any of these and I can look for more stuff that is just sitting around not being used.

  4. I would love to be able to say, I CAN"T BELIEVE THAT! The problem is though that it is so believable it hurts. I'm sure there must be someone whom you could call. And I'm sure there probably is, but how on earth are two hardworking people without a lot of 9 to 5 time on their hands supposed to find this miracle worker.
    On a different note, Mike are you and Kaylee still really coming up for the dinner/party/talent show/family get together on Monday???
    Please advise.


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